-1 Can't do this.|Please do this task with your mouse and keyboard.
-2 Can't do this.|Please do this task with your mouse and keyboard.
-3 Can't find requested text.|Check the recognised text area of the VoiceCentre to see if the system recognised your command correctly. If so, double check how you're referring to the text you're trying to work with. You migh try referring to the text in a different way (for example, "THE NEXT FIVE LINES" instead of "THE TENTH PARAGRAPH").
-4 Not in a table.|Either move the cursor into the table in which you want to do this action, or try the command again, specifying the table in which you want the action to happen. For example, COMPUTER SELECT THE LAST TWO ROWS IN THE NEXT TABLE.
-5 Action not available.|You can try to do the action with your keyboard and mouse, but you might experience the same problem. If you do experience the same problem, you should try to think of some other way to do what you're trying to do. For example, you might be trying to set the current font size to 22 points, but the current typeface isn't available in 22 points. Try 20 or 24 points instead, or try changing the typeface.
-6 File not available.|Try to open the file with your keyboard and mouse. If you deleted the file, you might look for it in your Recycle Bin on the desktop. If you renamed the file, try looking for it under its new name. If you moved the file, try looking for it in its new location.
-7 Mixed font sizes.|Instead of trying to make the font size of the indicated text bigger or smaller, decide what font size you want the text to be. For example, say MAKE THIS SELECTION TEN POINTS rather than MAKE THIS SELECTION TWO POINTS SMALLER.
-8 Can't do this in a table.|Move the cursor outside the table and try again. Keep in mind there are some things you just can't do inside a table when using Microsoft Word, such as creating a table inside an existing table.
-9 This command is unavailable with dictation support installed.|Use the inline dictation commands, like BOLD ON, UNDERLINE ON, ITALICISE ON, BOLD OFF, UNDERLINE OFF, and ITALICISE OFF.